- InterGIS 16 |
Interdisciplinary Conference on Cartography and Geoinformation for Sustainable Development Rostov (Don), Russia, July 3-4, 2010 Salzburg, Austria, July 6-7, 2010 www.intercartogis.org http://InterCarto16.net organized by International Cartographical Association (ICA), Commission on Geographical Information Sciences (International Geographical Union), CODATA-Germany, International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, GIS-Association (Russia), Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Southern Federal University, Salzburg University (Austria) |
in Rostov Academician, Prof. Dr. Gennady Matishov www.isep.sfedu.ru www.ssc-ras.ru in Salzburg (co-operation with GI_Forum 2010) Prof. Dr. Josef Strobl www.gi-forum.org _______________________ Call for Papers Download ![]() _______________________ Prior to April 1, 2010 foreign participants should give the personal details for the Invitation Letters. In this case it would be easier to get a visa to Russian Federation. Abstracts submission 2010-04-15 Notification of acceprtance 2010-05-06 2010-07-02 Friday Arrival of the conference participants 2010-07-03 Saturday Conference 2010-07-04 Sunday Sectional meetings End of Plenary sessions 2010-07-05 Monday Sightseeing of the Don River and town of Starocherkassk Departure of the conference participants _______________________ Horst Kremers CODATA-Germany P.O. Box 20 05 48 D- 13515 Berlin Germany ![]()