Commission on
GI and Sustainability until 2019 |
Terms of Reference
1. To produce a program for GIS and Cartographic basis of sustainable development (SD) of territories. Creation of some its modules. 2. The organization of uniform actions (including performance of projects, holding conferences etc.), on which experts from the different spheres would be involved. In particular to hold the conference that will unit the different experts interested in sustainable development of territories. The press will be involved for propagation of achievements of cartography and GIS. 3. To organise a regional workshops and summer-schools on GIS and Cartography for developing SD projects 4. To provide the connections and performance of teamwork, holding conferences, schools with the adjacent organizations - the commission on geographical information sciences IGU, CODATA, Digital Earth, UNIGIS etc. 5. To continue the work on realization of international conferences InterCarto, which since 1994 were annually carried out in Russia and in the other countries. 6. To encourage and support the involvement of student cartographers in the working group activities. Chair: Vladimir S. Tikunov Laboratory of Integrated Mapping and Laboratory of Sustainable Development of Territories Faculty of Geography M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Vorobievy Gory, MSU, main building 119991 Moscow, Russia phone: +7 495 939 13 39 fax: +7 495 932 88 36 e-mail: tikunov@geogr.msu.su Vice-Chair: Horst Kremers CODATA-Germany PO Box 200548, 13515 Berlin, Germany phone. +49 1723211738 fax: +49 30 3728587 e-mail: office@horst-kremers.de |
News/ SUSGIS Poster 2019 click for large .pdf InterCarto-InterGIS 25 2019 January 30 - February 2, 2019 Murmansk (Russia) Contact Conference Chair V. Tikunov SUSGIS Commission Report 2019 RIMMA2020 6th Int. Conference Risk Information Management, Risk Models, and Applications Berlin, Germany, May 26/27, 2020 RIMMA2016 June 27-28, 2016 InterCarto/InterGIS online Proceedings from 2013 SusGIS Poster Rio 2015 SusGIS WG Poster 2011 InterCarto-InterGIS Conferences Overview Report 2013 by Vladimir Tikunov Home